
This website is not officiel and does not represent a part of the information shared by the relays and analysis of the combinations based on the results of the results that are diffused by the official sources.

The website proposes a unique idea that helps you navigate through the exits and analyze the data and does not have a guarantee on the prevision or pronostique.

This confidentiality policy applies uniquely to our activities on the Internet and is valid for visitors to our website.


If you use our website, you must consent to our privacy policy and accept these conditions.

Information for children

Some of our priorities consist of a protection for children who use the Internet. We encourage parents and teachers to monitor, participate, and/or monitor and guide their activity on the website. The website does not collect information from identifiable personnel within 13 days. If you think that your child has typed information on our website, we encourage you to contact our immediate contact and give us more information. Efforts to increase the speed of our information.

Législation relative to the protection of individual données

  •  “All people have access to privacy protection,” Article 24 of the  Maroc Constitution .
  •  «…The information is not limited to the internet, in the case of protection that concerns the national defense, the internal security and external security, as well as the privacy of this life. Persons who prefer their attachments droits and freedoms in the present Constitution… », article 27 of the  Maroc Constitution .
  • Dahir noon 1-09-15 on 22 Safar 1430 (18 February 2009) Important promulgation of the  loi on noon 09-08  relative to the protection of people’s physiques in the protection of the données of personnel.
  • Decreed 2-09-165  on May 21, 2009 for the application of the loi no. 09-08 relative to the protection of people’s physiques and the protection of personnel donation.
  • Règlement Intérieur  de la CNDP.

Other texts

  • On  08/31,  consumer protection measures are controlled.
  • The  number 53-05  is relative to the change of electronic devices.
  • The  number 24-96  is relative to the post and telephone communications

other condition